Service Offerings
I am trained and attuned as a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher. But my energy healing sessions are not just Reiki. When I work with you, I am also in channel, and intuitively receive information about your energy body to help inform you on the state of your energy and how you can work toward healing and alignment. This guidance often comes in images that I decipher and translate for you, as well as via other senses. I do not filter my downloads for you because it is all relevant.
Intuitive Healing & Energy Guidance Sessions Available
*ALL Sessions can be booked online here. If you don't see a date/time that works, email me to book: empoweredenergy.me@gmail.com
Or send me a text: 312-767-7452

An Intuitive Reading is very unique to each individual. I begin before the client arrives by going into channel; I put my active mind aside to open myself to receiving messages for the client. I connect with the clients energy and channel any messages that come for them. Together, we decipher the meaning of the message, which is what makes it completely unique. I never filter what I receive; I simply deliver the message. I am channeling directly from Source energy, with the intention of the highest good for the client. I also use divination tools such as Oracle cards and a pendulum, for additional guidance. I am utilizing intuition, psychic awareness and mediumship throughout this service. This service is available virtually via Zoom, or you can choose to have a detailed email reading sent to you.
Book your Intuitive Reading here.

Contact me for any of these offers. Click here to email.